Filing an Official Complaint

First Step

Through Port Credit OPP detachment, photo copies of all gathered material were sent off to OPP Professional Standards Bureau. The materials consisted of: the court transcript; the tickets, pictures of the interior and exterior of my vehicle; and a very detailed letter of what had transpired on the evening of June 14 2004 and in court on January 20 2005.

A notice of receival of the complaint arrived dated December 5 2005, about 5 weeks after I walked into the OPP detachment to talk to the Staff Sergeant. On the 13th, I received another letter stating that the time frame in which the incident occurred and when I filed the complaint was passed in the allowable time accepted. So the case was closed. The letter also stated that I had the option of having this decision reviewed by the Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services (OCCPS), Public Complaints Bureau.

I called them up and talked to an individual there and gave him a quick run down of what had happened. I asked him, [************ this line removed for legal reasons ***********].

Second Step

I sent my detailed letter off to OCCPS. They looked up the case number and reviewed it. A letter dated January 31 2006 arrived in early February stating that OCCPS was satisfied with the decision. (View all responses via this link)

So lets get this straight: [************ these lines removed for legal reasons ***********].

Third Step

I wrote to the mayor of Mississauga and my local member of parliament. I got no response from the mayor's office. I did hear back from an assistant from the MP's office. He did help out, but it seemed he was getting nowhere and I kept on him until the MP called me up himself. He told me that it wasn't a situation where he could get involved and left it at that.

A few days later I got a letter from the OPP Professional Standards Bureau saying they were going to open a criminal investigation into the matter. Apparently, my local MP made a phone call and put things into perspective. I'm guessing my mentioning of a media story may have helped my situation.

Description of the actual incident and what transpired in court
Court Transcript
November 2005 Appeal
Response from Formal Complaint
Taking Action with Questions
The Response to My Questions
Final Phone Call They REFUSE to answer my questions. Click and Save Audio File