THERE IS NO Canada!!!

We, The People of Canada,
have been lied to for a very long time.
Gonna take the red pill or the blue pill?

Canada ceased to exist in 1931 (Statute of Westminster) when it went from being called the Dominion of Canada to Canada. Ever since then, the federal government existed as a "de facto" (unlawfully established) government. The people of the provinces then became sovereign in their own right. With that sovereignty came the control of our own countries (the provinces) and its resources. Once we had this power, then we, as a people together, should have decided if we want to unite with a de jure (lawfully established) federal government.

The reason why none of this happened? Simply put, these federal employees would have lost their power and wealth. Essentially, because they kept the people of the provinces in the dark, they stole ours from us.

In 1982 when the traitor Trudeau - yes, he was a traitor like all the rest of them - went to a "foreign" government to insert the Charter of Rights and Freedoms into an already defunct constitution (the British North American Act - an Act belonging to the British Empire, that, once again, ceased to exist in 1931), he even wrote in the Charter that it applies "only" to the people who work within the de facto body of government. See section 32 of the Charter.

So, the people of the provinces of the de facto Canada need to be asking themselves a number of important questions "after they have educated themselves with the facts" about Canadian history. And with that information becoming readily available and a film in the works, we invite you all to do just that, to educate yourself and take part in taking back what has been stolen from you the sovereign people of the provinces.

Here is a must read letter to the newly (at the time in 1972) elected Premier of Quebec Rene Levesque from Walter Khul, an individual who served as a member of the Alberta Parliament from 1935 to 1949. Touching on the then hot topic of "separation"... he explained that Quebec can't get a divorce from Canada because there was never a marriage in the first place!!

Get active - spread the word and take back what belongs to us!! -- check out the video links under Latest News.

Before you go, THIS IS MUST READ: Ho Canada

Check out The Myth Is Canada videos at YouTube as well.


The Unjust Justice System
And The Diversion Of Our Common Law Heritage

If you came by to hear how our honest politicians are working in respect to the needs of the People and with the People's interests completely at heart; to hear how corporate influence within government is almost non existent; to hear about the integrity that drives our "good governments" towards a prosperous future for the human race; to feel more secure on the matter that the ongoing wars against evil forces are in defense of your freedom and liberties; to have your beliefs of our police officer's primary goal of serving and protecting you reinforced; to learn just how honorable our justice system is specifically when it comes to ensuring that People's rights aren't being trample in any way shape or form; and to hear from an alternative news source that fails to connect the dots by pointing you in the wrong direction and praises the media for its integrity for putting the outlook of the globe into perspective while exposing the Elite's agenda...

Well, my friend, you have not only come to the wrong place, but you are living in a dreamland. If you decide dreamland is where you would rather be, leave with this thought in mind: You are a frog in a pot on a stove and the heat is slowly being turned up. Ask yourself if you think you will be able to get out when you realize exactly where you are. Want to prevent that scenario from taking place?

Protect yourself from tyranny!
Learn Law and the procedures to build your defense!
Or build a case against those infringing on your rights!

Must See Film ---> Watch...
Hijacking Humanity

Watch this short video of author Naomi Wolf's radio interview. She has researched the history of how fascist regimes came to be and describes the 10 Steps to Fascism (we are there now) in her new book The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. Go and Google her name at Google Video for more interviews and lectures she has given, plus the full feature film called End of America.

A Lie Repeated Often Enough Becomes Truth! And that's what has occurred in regards to what happened with the events of September 11th 2001. It's funny how the mainstream media doesn't want to talk much about that fateful day because it is "so hard for so many to deal with", but when it comes to launching a war in some other country where tens of thousands of lives are at stake, the often mentioned pretext for war used by the U.S. corporate war mongers is 9/11 - the War on Terrorism, the War on You!.

If a crime has been committed on a mass scale like 9/11, don't you think we The People deserve to get all of our questions answered? Specifically when it means a lot more blood will be spilt? How is it that an investigation into 9/11 took more than 400 days to be instigated when other events like the shuttle disasters and the Kennedy assassinations took less than one week? And the only reason an investigation took place is because a number of victims Pressed for the Truth. In the end, it was a Bush Administration which conducted an investigation of 9/11. The only problem is: they never investigated themselves while much of the evidence that would identify the Real Evil Doers points to them. A number of 9/11 victims formed the Family Steering Committee and put forth numerous questions for the 9/11 Commission to asked. Seventy percent of these questions went unanswered - they were ignored.

9/11 was an Inside Job?

Why are we not hearing what the victims of 9/11 have to say? [Google video 9/11 Press for Truth.] How about the eyewitness reports from firemen and medical responders in New York City that have not been mentioned by mainstream media on a level that would grab the attention of the mass population? In fact, why did all the very revealing media footage from that day only aired once to never be seen again? We have all seen some of this footage and we have made it available again via the Internet - research this yourself - 9/11 was an Inside Job!!

"In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
~ George Orwell ~

George Orwell's 1984 - It's Coming!

The last 30 minutes of the following video 9/11 Ripple Effect is a must see. It is an excellent clip in which the mainstream media simply brushes 9/11 Independent Research off as if researchers are all nuts instead of putting our findings to the test of integrity. When you consider what is at stake, if there is any reason to doubt the official story, it must be openly investigated and challenged. The mainstream media is not doing this - not even close... so, their integrity is seriously in question. And the evidence speaks volumes specifically when there is so much of it to present.

Of all the 9/11 documentary videos (more than 2 dozen) this clip should be one of the most important to add to this site. Dave von Kleist does an excellent job in demonstrating how mainnstream media pumps propaganda into the heads of the ignorant.

The clip below is of Professor David Ray Griffin (philosopher-theoligian and author) who has covered all angles of the official 9/11 story. His presentation focusing on the emerging Empire puts the 9/11 event into context very effectively. This segment aired on C-Span and is about 120 minutes. Also watch the numerous David Ray Griffin vidoes on google, specifically The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions. A link to the video is located top left on this page.

"America was founded by men who understood that the threat of domestic tyranny is as great as any threat from abroad. If we want to be worthy of their legacy, we must resist the rush toward ever-increasing state control of our society. Otherwise, our own government will become a greater threat to our freedoms than any foreign terrorist."
~ Presidential Candidate Ron Paul, "Freedom vs. Security: A False Choice", May 31, 2004 ~

Which quotes (left or right side) have The People's best interest in mind?
Do we have Domestic Enemies we need to protect ourselves from?

Standing on Guard for Freedom

North American Union... The ultimate enforcement mechanism for the North American Union is a police state. The tools for the police state are "anti-terrorist" laws. Anti Terrorist laws are a ruse to strip the people of their liberties in order to prevent dissent. The Orwellian justification is "security", "safety".

The plan of this Canada-U.S.-Mexico task force is to establish a continent-wide customs union with a common approach to trade, energy, immigration, law enforcement and security that would virtually eliminate existing national borders. The task force released its recommendations for a common North American in May 17/18, 2005. There was minor reference to it in mainstream media - no headline presentation. Why Not? Who controls the mainstream media? The Super Elite, who else!?!

Google "North American Union" for more extensive research. You can also read this article for a quick overview and then be redirected to a Connie Fogal video on You Tube.

America: Freedom to Fascism

This film by the late Aaron Russo America: From Freedom to Fascism cuts to the very core of our problems and we "strongly" advise everyone to see it and promote it. Film producer Aaron Russo (The Rose, Trading Places) reveals many facts in which the movement towards a fascist One World Government controlled by the mega corporations led by the corporate banking system is "now a reality" in the United States. Interviews with U.S. Congressmen, a former IRS Commissioner, former IRS and FBI agents, tax attorneys and authors make his case a solid one. You can visit the website to view the trailers and gather more information.

"When the people are afraid of the government, that's tyranny.
But when the government is afraid of the people, that's liberty."
~ Thomas Jefferson ~

A movement towards global control by a group of Ruling Elite is on the horizon. The inhumane crimes that are being left in their path of destruction can now be realized through about one hundred hours of documentary films. The magnitude of their crimes can be seen in some "must see" 9/11 films. The picture is becoming clearer than ever before and we all need to draw this picture for everyone to see by putting these documentaries in people's hands before it's too late. A very small percentage (about 1%) of North Americans are aware of the atrocities this group is guilty of. We need that percentage to grow to at least 5% to put pressure on the media to actually start doing their jobs diligently. This would cause a revolution. Revolution? That may scare some of you - it means change. Didn't things change on September 11 2001? Was it for better, or for worse? We can prove to you that it only empowered this elite group of filthy rich people to move further ahead with their agenda. If the truth overwhelms you with fear, you should know that a "Truth Movement" is taking place that can unite the people of the world. In this movement of unity, "open invitations to solutions" will present themselves. Once the majority of good people in this world comes to realize the futile system of [corporate controlled government that operates on a "corrupt" money system], it will mean the end of secret governments and secret closed-door meetings! If it doesn't end this system once and for all, history will [as it has since biblical history began] continue to repeat itself. And with the dramatic changes that have occurred on the globe over the last one hundred years, it may even mean the end of the human species altogether.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
~ Edmund Burke ~

With the events of 9/11 being at the fore front of global change, every individual who is capable of thinking for themselves and who is concerned about the direction the human race is heading, should focus on key knowledge that is before us and use it in order to create the waves that change the tide. The facts surrounding 9/11 are now beginning to surface on a greater scale and a movement is taking place. It is imperative that we all discover the truth about 9/11 and other key events. Then, pass that knowledge onto others. Find out What You Can Do.

A list of thought provoking documentaries have been compiled and made available through this website -- see the List of Films/Books. You can watch them online at YouTube (do a key word search and see what videos come up) that will allow you to share these eye opening documentaries with others over the internet.

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. The money powers preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces, as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon its crimes. I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front of me and the financial institutions at the rear, the latter is my greatest foe. Corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed."
~ Abraham Lincoln, letter to William Elkins, Nov 21, 1864
(just after the passage of the debt causing National Bank Act [June 3, 1864], right before assassination) ~

ARE YOU SEEING THE TREND? In common law countries, habeas corpus is the name of a legal action through which a human person can seek relief from unlawful detention of themselves or another person. It is a court order commanding a human person (that is being detained) be brought before the court within 72 hours, together with proof of authority, allowing the court to determine whether that custodian has lawful authority to hold that human person, or, if not, the person should be released from custody.

Habeas corpus stands for the idea that no man, office, or branch of government is above the law. The right of habeas corpus has long been celebrated as an important instrument for the safeguarding of individual freedom against arbitrary state action. It, in itself, is a Legal Maxim, a Law based on principles.

So where do we stand when tyrants can abolish these safeguards? Keith Olderman from MSNBC reports in the following clip:

CNN on the Detainee bill and an innocent Canadian that was tortured:

september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government shawn cassista The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell pricess diana september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government corruption cover up conspiracies bilderberg group oil israel palestine fox news rupert murdoch abc cbs ge general electric world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell pricess diana september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government corruption cover up conspiracies bilderberg group oil israel palestine fox news rupert murdoch abc cbs ge general electric world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell pricess diana september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government corruption cover up conspiracies bilderberg group oil israel palestine fox news rupert murdoch abc cbs ge general electric world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell 911 pentagon photos pictures september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government corruption cover up conspiracies bilderberg group oil israel palestine fox news rupert murdoch abc cbs ge general electric world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein. The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell corruption cover up conspiracies bilderberg group oil israel palestine fox news rupert murdoch abc cbs ge general electric world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government corruption cover up conspiracies bilderberg group oil israel palestine fox news rupert murdoch abc cbs ge general electric world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell pricess diana september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government corruption democracy in danger The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell pricess diana september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government corruption cover up conspiracies bilderberg group oil israel palestine fox news rupert murdoch abc cbs ge general electric world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell jfk john f. kennedy thomas jefferson benjamin franklin john adams harry s. truman abraham lincoln george washington ronald reagan princess diana winston churchill noam chomsky michael moore martin luther king jr bill cosby dr. phil barbra walters patrick stewart gene roddenberry william shatner tony robbins aul zane pilser tephen r. coveystephen hawking thomas berry stuart wilde charles j. givens thomas a. edison amelia earhart johnathan frakes The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell pricess diana september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights irs cra united states canada canadian government corruption cover up conspiracies bilderberg group oil israel palestine fox news rupert murdoch abc cbs ge general electric world war democracy in danger world trade center waco texas unabomber oklahoma city bombing twa flight 800 police state wars al quaeda osama bin laden iraq saddam hussein The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell september 11 2001 noam chomsky michael moore fahrenheit 911 9/11 stupid white men save the world earth discussion facts truth answers survival education information evolve evolution lies conspiracy freedom of speech future change positive vision evolve evolution civil rights The Money Masters Masters of the Universe United States Federal Reserve. Monopoly Men TV show Phenomenom: The Lost Archives LOSING OUR FREEDOMS - MOVING TOWARDS A PRISON PLANET Unconstitutional: The War on our Civil Liberties Invisible Ballots 9/11 REVEALED 9/11: In Plane Site Video and Graphic Evidence of 9/11 Cover Up - analyzed and unseen footage of September 11 2001 should raise serious questions about this day. Loose Change. 9/11 Eyewitness GNN?s Aftermath: Unanswered questions about 911 Truth and lies of 911 Perspective on 9/11 11 2001. The Great Conspiracy The 9/11 News Special You Never Saw Hidden in Plain Sight Painful Deceptions 9/11 The Great Illusion Hijacking Catastrophy Unanswered Questions from 9/11 ? Citizens? Inquiry 9/11 and the American Empire [As seen on C-Span] Fahrenheit 9/11 by Michael Moore. GOVERNMENT CRIMES Distorted Morality What I Learned About US Foreign Policy Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq Hidden Wars of Desert Storm Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election NBush Family Fortunes: The Best Democracy Money Can Buy Guardian and Observer newspapers. In Search of America?s Drug Lords Barry Seal. Arsenal of Hypocrisy CORPORATE INFLUENCE The Corporation THE MEDIA Orwell Rolls in his Grave Outfoxed Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky on the Media Constructing Public Opinion TOXIC SLUDGE Is Good For You While Weapons of Mass Deception FUEL FOSSILS AND ENERGY End of Suburbia Powerdown Richard Heinberg. The Oil Factor Kilowatt hours Peak Oil Oklahoma City: What Really Happened? Cover Up in Oklahoma H.A.A.R.P ? Holes in Heaven? Chemtrails the Video Technologies of the 21st Century Genetically Modified Food Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World JFK Oliver Stone Beyond JFK A Question of Conspiracy. Malcolm X The Insider Enemy of the George Orwell?s 1984 Mad City Roswell